
I was just having a clear moment so I thought I write before the moment passed. I know this has been said in may different ways before but this is how it came to me! Maybe it’ll resonate with some who hadn’t grasped it elsewhere.

We all have propensities we need to recognize.

The obvious ones are our propensities to react in certain ways to information.

More subtle are our propensities to EVALUATE information.

(We may congratulate ourselves for recognizing our usual verbal reaction and it is certainly commendable but that’s just scratching the surface).

I believe it would benefit us to examine our very evaluation of information.

We could say to ourselves:

~ These are my beliefs. 

We could ask ourselves:

~ Why are these my beliefs?

We could say (or deny):

~ Well, I learned these beliefs from the people who were influential in my life. Or I learned these from people who I observed living in a way that I admire and would wish for myself.

~ I adopted these beliefs because they came from the winning team!

~ Maybe your beliefs (or at least some of them) come from a place you have to train for to access.

~ Because the truth and the answers and the ability are all inside each human and we can train to get more in touch with that wisdom. 

The only possible, earthly reason we don’t do this is that we don’t know any better!…

Jennifer Hofmann

Inspiration for writers, seekers, and activists.

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